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Adam Dick, NRCan/Canadian Wood Fiber Centre

Pedro Rovida Neto, Klabin, Brazil

Tom van der Velde, Tata Steel, Belgium
08:00 – 09:30
Session Chair: Paul Stuart, Polytechnique Montréal & EnVertis Inc., Canada
Technical Panel: Advances in Digitalization: Supporting Forestry Industry Competitiveness, Sustainability and Energy Use Reduction
Following the success of BIOFOR 2021’s technical panel on the emerging era of digitalization in the forest products sector, the same international panel of renowned experts will reunite to present the state-of-art on digitalization, including advanced analytics, Industry 4.0 for energy use reduction, sharing data across supply chains, telemetry, and much more. As concrete as these topics sound, the common themes of our speakers are quite related to sustainability in general and radical GHG emissions reduction more specifically, as well as the role of digitalization as one of the most significant enablers in addressing climate change. You cannot afford to miss this panel, and miss seeing how the Industries of the Future will be shaped!
Mouloud Amazouz, NRCan/CanmetENERGY, Canada
Adam Dick, NRCan/Canadian Wood Fiber Centre
David Eapen, Valmet, USA
Alf Isaksson, ABB, Sweden
Pedro Rovida Neto, Klabin, Brazil
Mariana Sandin, Seeq Corporation, USA
Tom van der Velde, Tata Steel, Belgium

David Eapen, Valmet, USA

Alf Isaksson, ABB, Sweden

Mariana Sandin, Seeq Corporation, USA

Paul stuart, EnVertis Consulting and Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
09:30 – 10:00
Networking Break
10:00 – 11:30
Papermaking – Paper machine optimisation/improvement
Session Chair: Javad-Reza Saberian, Kruger Inc.
- 10:00 “Predictive Modelling and Troubleshooting through Historical Data”, Phil Morency, Andritz“
- 10:30 “Dryer Fabric Cleaning Solution and Case Study”, Jean-François Poirier, Cascades Cabano & Denis Martin, Kadant Canada
- 11:00 “TSO Angle and Fibre Orientation Analysis and Optimization on MultiPly PaperBoard”, Stuart Loewen, LSZ Paper Tech
Chemical Recovery & Utilities
Session Chair: Aaron Ferris – Irving Pulp & Paper
Roundtable – Safety and Incident Reports and Supplier Technology Updates

Yan Boulanger, Natural Resources Canada/ Laurentian Forestry Centre

Jean-Martin Lussier, Natural Resources Canada/Canadian Wood Fiber Centre
Session Chair: Jean-Martin Lussier, Natural Resources Canada/Canadian Wood Fiber Centre
Technical Panel: Climate Change, Forests and Fibre Supply: Impacts and Adaptations
The impacts of climate change on forests are already visible (e.g. increased forest fires, insect and disease outbreaks, higher temperatures, drought, wind throw and floods, etc.). Climate change is expected to be both negative and also benefit, and will likely change the structure and productivity of the forest of Canada, in particular through major changes in the natural disturbance regimes. Daily forest operations are already affected by climate change, in particular transportation, at the same time they are focusing on what benefits may come from climate change. What are the expected changes on the short and long terms, and can we adapt to ensure a sustainable supply of forest resources for the current and emerging bio-economies? Why climate change adaptation should be at the forefront in the forest sector? Is there a need of New Forestry Act following the warning resulted from the Glasgow COP 26?
The experts from different fields of forest science will walk us through different perspectives of impacts of climate change and potential adaptation strategies/measures, as well as address these questions
Yan Boulanger, Natural Resources Canada/ Laurentian Forestry Centre
Trevor Jones, Natural Resources Canada/Canadian Wood Fiber Centre
Dag Fjeld, SLU, Forest Biomaterials and Technology, Sweden

Trevor Jones, Natural Resources Canada/Canadian Wood Fiber Centre

Dag Fjeld, SLU, Forest Biomaterials and Technology, Sweden
11:30 – 12:30
Networking and Lunch Break
12:30 – 14:00
Session Chair: Bahador Bakhtiari, Natural Resources Canada
- 12:30 “Negative emissions opportunities in the Canadian pulp and paper industry through carbon capture”, Omid Ashrafi and Hamed Bashiri, CanmetENERGY
- 13:00 “Field Results of Reverse Osmosis Weak Black Liquor Concentration”, Dr. Brent Keller, Via Separations
- 13:30 “Experimental Studies on Film Splitting with Application to the Water Removal in Paper Pressing”, Arthur Rostami, University of British Columbia

John Litvay, Partner, Trade Tree Online & Brian McClay Associates
Session Chair: Stéphane Lamoureux, Kruger Products LP
- 12:30 “Pulp Market Analysis and Forecasting“, John Litvay, Partner, Trade Tree Online & Brian McClay Associates
- 13:15 “The Potential Impact of Carbon Cost on Canada’s Pulp and Paper Industry“, Bruce Janda, Fisher International

Bruce Janda, Fisher International
Session Chair: Dr Marzouk Benali, Natural Resources Canada, BIOFOR Conference Chair
- 12:30 “Mill-Ready Solutions for Pyrolysis Applications”, Fernando Preto, Natural Resources Canada /CanmetENERGY
- 13:00 Keynote: “Sustainable Biofuels to Decarbonize Aviation and Industrial Sectors“, Zia Haq, Department of Energy, USA

Zia Haq, Department of Energy, USA
14:00 – 14:30
Networking Break
14:30 – 16:00
Tissue Making – Sustainable Packaging for Consumer Hygiene Products - Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Shaune Hanley, Resolute & Stéphan Larivière, FPInnovations
Ted Ferguson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Delphi Group
George Roter, Managing Director, Canada Plastics Pact
François David, Vice-President of Sales, Marketing and Innovation, Cascades
Neva Murtha, Senior Corporate Campaigner, Canopy Planet
Claudio J Muñoz Torres, Director of Marketing Americas, Körber Tissue
Session Chair: Mike Thorne, Irving Pulp & Paper
- 14:30 “The batch digester Blowdown Valve“, Axel Lindenbeck, Stainless Valve Co.
- 15:00 “Advanced Controls for Refiners“, Lahoucine Ettaleb, FPInnovations
- 15:30 “Downflow Cooking in the Digester“, Nicolaos Lemieux, Valmet
Session Chair: Francois Bozet, Resolute Forest Products
- 14:30 “Future Workhorse of the Industry: Nanobubbles?“ Louis Morimanno, NGT Canada Inc
- 15:00 “Noise control in the pulp and paper industry“, Pierre-Claude Ostiguy & Pascal Everton, Soft dB
- 15:30 “How Pulp and Paper Mills can Fulfill ESG Targets Managing Regulatory, Reputational and Operational Risk”, Sarju Surendran & Steve Birtch, Aggreko
Session Chair: Dr Marzouk Benali, Natural Resources Canada, BIOFOR Conference Chair
- 14:30 “Turning real-time data into knowledge for process troubleshooting: Brownstock washing case study“, Émilie Thibault and Caroline Brucel, Polytechnique Montréal
- 15:00 “Modelling and Pilot Scale Testing of Reactive Distillation Unit for the Production of Dimethyl Ether”, Paolo Mussone, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)
- 15:30 “Identification and Quantification of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds in Methanol recovered from Stripper Of Gas at a Kraft Pulp Mill”, Jeremiah Bryksa, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT
16:00 – 17:00
*Please note the schedule is set on Eastern Standard Time (EST)